New RAND Report Sheds Light on Air Force’s Commercial Space Strategy


  • The RAND Corporation’s new report provides a detailed analysis of the Department of the Air Force’s strategy for partnering with the commercial space industry.
  • The report outlines the potential benefits, risks, and challenges, focusing on the commercial space-based PNT and SATCOM markets.

RAND Corporation Unveils Air Force’s Strategic Approach to Commercial Space Partnerships

Washington, D.C., September 7, 2023, In a new report by the RAND Corporation, the Department of the Air Force (DAF), including its specialized branch, the U.S. Space Force (USSF), is revealed to be actively exploring partnerships with the commercial space industry. This comprehensive analysis offers a deep dive into the opportunities, risks, and challenges that the DAF could face in this ambitious endeavor.

A New Era of Collaboration: The RAND Perspective

“The expanding global commercial space industry offers new opportunities for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD),” states the RAND report. It serves as a pivotal guide for understanding the DAF’s interest in commercial space services, focusing on two key markets: the emerging commercial space-based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) market and the more established commercial satellite communications (SATCOM) market.

Opportunities and Benefits: A Closer Look

According to the RAND report, the commercial space-based PNT market could offer the DAF greater accuracy and signal strength than is currently available through existing systems. This could be a game-changer for various military operations requiring precise location data.

Similarly, the commercial SATCOM market presents a range of technologies that offer high throughput, jamming resistance, low latency, and global coverage. These capabilities could significantly enhance the DAF’s existing communication systems, making them more robust and reliable.

Challenges and Risks: The Other Side of the Coin

While the opportunities are promising, the RAND Corporation’s report doesn’t shy away from outlining the challenges and risks involved. One of the key challenges is the need for modernization. The DAF’s current ground and user segments for PNT and SATCOM require upgrades to enable broader access to these commercial services.

Navigating the Future: Recommendations from RAND

The RAND Corporation suggests a balanced approach for the DAF in leveraging commercial space services. When market risks are low, and the operational utility of the commercial service is high, the DAF should be more willing to engage. However, in uncertain market conditions, a wait-and-see approach is recommended, possibly involving more-limited investment strategies like prototypes and pilot programs.

The Bigger Picture: Implications and Future Directions

The RAND Corporation’s report is more than just an analysis; it’s a roadmap for the DAF as it navigates the complex landscape of commercial space services. By following the recommendations laid out in the report, the DAF not only stands to gain enhanced capabilities but also becomes a key player in shaping the future of the commercial space industry.

Download the Full RAND Report and Analysis

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